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Study: Nevada Ranks Within the Top 10 of Worst Drivers in the Nation

By December 5, 2016October 28th, 2024No Comments

Nevada has been ranked as the seventh worst state in the nation for bad driving in 2016, according to a recent study conducted by

The website used statistics gathered from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) on fatal car accidents and the factors that caused them.

Each state was ranked based on its fatality rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled and the percentage of fatal accidents involving:

  • Failure to obey traffic signals, not wearing a seat belt and driving with an invalid license
  • Drunk driving
  • Speeding
  • Careless driving

Nevada’s score for each category varied.The state’s highest scoring category, and worst ranking factor, was careless driving, which caused 78 deaths in 2016. Overall, Nevada’s national rankings include:

  • Careless driving: fourth
  • Drunk driving fatalities: eighth
  • Speeding: 13th
  • Fatality rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled: 23rd
  • Failure to obey: 29th

Both Texas and Louisiana tied for first place as having the worst drivers in the U.S. Minnesota was found to have the safest drivers in the nation, ranking in last place at 51.

Traffic fatalities have risen at an alarming rate, with more than 35,000 deaths in 2015, an increase of 7.2 percent since the previous year.

The recent rise has caused concern within federal agencies, which have attempted to stop the increase by focusing on driver behaviors that lead to accidents, such as distracted driving. Officials have also speculated that an improved economy, job creation, and lower gas prices may have led to the increase in traffic fatalities seen in recent years.

Being in a car accident or losing a loved one to a careless driver is an avoidable tragedy that happens all too often. The auto accident attorneys at Henness & Haight are experienced in helping those affected by fatal accidents and will help you pursue compensation. Our attorneys provide a free consultation and work on a contingency fee basis, which means we will not charge any fees unless you receive a fair outcome.