Posted by: Henness & Haight Team

Walking near a road or intersection can be dangerous. The lack of protection pedestrians have from vehicles using the roadway makes them vulnerable and susceptible to being injured in an accident.

However, pedestrians share responsibility for maintaining the safety of the roadway and, just like motorists, are obligated to follow a set of rules to keep themselves and others safe.

Our experienced personal injury attorneys have provided the tips to encourage pedestrian safety. If you or someone you love was injured by a negligent driver, our skilled auto accident attorneys in Las Vegas will help you pursue your right to seek compensation for your injuries.

Walk in Safe Places

Pedestrians have a responsibility to ensure their own safety when sharing the roadway with passing vehicles. Traveling on foot along the road requires careful observation, sound judgment and care, such as:

  • Using sidewalks, crosswalks, bridges or tunnels designated for pedestrians
  • Obeying traffic-control signs and devices
  • Staying to the right-hand side of crosswalks, when possible
  • Walking on the left side of the street to face traffic when a sidewalk is not available
  • Not crossing intersections diagonally if not specifically designed in this manner

Be Visible

One of the most effective ways to avoid being struck by a vehicle is to make yourself visible. Drivers must be able to see you to avoid accidentally striking you.

In fact, 32 percent of pedestrian-auto accident fatalities occur between 8 p.m. and 11:59 p.m., according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Pedestrians can make themselves visible to motorists by:

  • Making eye contact with an approaching motorist as often as possible
  • Wearing light or bright colored clothing at night
  • Remaining in well-lit areas to increase visibility

Stay Alert

Pedestrians should pay attention to the surrounding roadway and the behavior of an approaching driver at all times. Many motorists may be distracted while driving, and often do not consider whether a pedestrian may be in the area.

If a motorist is driving erratically, you will need to stay alert try to avoid the path of the approaching vehicle.

Avoid Distractions

Pedestrians should avoid any item or behavior that could cause them to become distracted while traveling next to the roadway.

A distracted pedestrian may sustain a serious injury if he or she unknowingly walks into the road or does not follow traffic signals. Common causes of pedestrian distraction include:

  • Listening to music with headphones
  • Texting or talking on cellphones
  • Reading while walking
  • Engaging in inappropriate behavior
  • Follow Traffic Signs

Pedestrians should carefully observe and follow each traffic sign and signal to avoid harm. These devices are intended to help pedestrians anticipate the flow of traffic and future actions of nearby drivers.

By following these signs and devices, pedestrians are increasing their own safety and helping to prevent accidents.

Walk in Safe Places

Pedestrians should only walk in designated sections along the roadway, such as sidewalks, crosswalks, bridges, and designated walkways.

If a crosswalk is unavailable, be sure to cross the road in a well-lit area and wait for a long enough gap in traffic to ensure you are able to safely cross.

However, some roads prohibit pedestrian use. This can include highways, freeways, and interstate roads where there is a heavy and constant flow of traffic, making it difficult to ensure pedestrian safety. Pedestrians should avoid these types of roads at all costs.

Avoid Consuming Alcohol

According to AAA, nearly half of pedestrian-related auto accidents involve alcohol consumption. Thirty-four percent of those accidents involved an impaired pedestrian.

Alcohol is known to impair a person’s ability to function and make sound and responsible decisions. Just as drivers should never drink and drive, pedestrians should never drink and walk near areas with heavy traffic.

Contact a Las Vegas Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

If you were injured in a pedestrian accident, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible to treat any known or unknown injuries you may have suffered.

Then, you should contact Henness & Haight’s skilled Las Vegas personal injury attorneys for a free, no-obligation consultation. We will thoroughly investigate your claim to determine which party is at fault for the accident and explain any legal options that may be available to you.

We are committed to helping you recover the maximum compensation possible after the incident. Because we work on a contingency fee basis only, we will not charge you for our services and only require payment if we recover compensation for your claim.