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Car Accidents

Speeding and Car Accidents in Las Vegas

By May 17, 2022January 28th, 2025No Comments

Speeding not only increases the likelihood of a car accident, but also increases the severity of accidents when they do happen. Add in alcohol and late-night driving, and you can easily see why Las Vegas is Nevada’s deadliest city for car accidents. With so many distracted people on the roads, it’s not hard to imagine a pedestrian being hit by a speeding car on the Strip or a speeding driver crashing into another vehicle on I-15 or the Beltway.

This piece will explain how speeding contributes to car accidents and how getting help from a car accident attorney in Las Vegas, Nevada, could significantly help your case and improve your chances of a successful settlement.

Why Speeding is a Top Cause of Accidents in Las Vegas

Speed contributes to car accidents in several ways. Speed reduces the amount of time a driver has to react when they see an obstruction in the road. It also reduces the amount of time a pedestrian has to get out of the way of a moving car. It also increases a car’s stopping distance and the force it has on impact.

Speeding has become dangerously common in Las Vegas. Between 2019 and 2020, the number of drivers cited for going more than 100 mph rose sharply. The number of such citations grew by nearly 900 in that year alone.

Speeding or winding up in an accident due to excessive speed could lead to a charge of reckless driving. In Nevada, a reckless driving offense comes with up to 99 hours of community service and a fine of up to $1,000 for the first offense. Those penalties increase to up to 199 days of community service and up to $1,500 in fines for the second offense. Any additional reckless driving offenses in Nevada can carry a sentence of 200 hours of community service and up to $2,000 in fines.

If you’re in an accident, speed can play a role in the severity of your injuries. Speeding drivers and their passengers can be hurled into other objects in the car. Sometimes, when the speed of a collision is excessive, the crash can throw people from the vehicle, especially if the person isn’t wearing a seatbelt. These violent forces on the human body can cause cuts, abrasions, fractured bones, spinal cord injuries, and even death.

The speed involved will play a significant role in any car accident case in Las Vegas. If you’ve been in an accident in Las Vegas, especially involving an injury, get help from a car accident attorney, like Henness & Haight. They can help with every aspect of your claim.

Speeding Often Makes the Headlines

Las Vegas is no stranger to cars traveling at high speeds. We see a new speeding-related story in the news every day. Sadly most of these reports have grim endings.

For example, this accident in January left nine people dead, and speeding was a major factor. Another accident from last November saw former Las Vegas Raiders football player Henry Rugs III strike and kill a 23-year-old woman and her dog. According to reports, he was driving 156 mph.

Unfortunately, accidents involving high-speed driving seem to be rising, not declining.

Could Speeding Have Contributed To Your Accident

Speeding can greatly affect car accident claims for both victims and defendants. If a victim can prove the other party was speeding at the time of an accident, they will have a good chance of showing the other party was negligent and therefore responsible. This essentially wins the case for the victim.

On the flip side, if a defendant can prove that a victim was also speeding at the time of the crash, they may be able to claim that the victim was also partially responsible, and therefore the defendant is less liable.

When an attorney can prove one or both parties were speeding, it can affect whom the court holds liable. This holds true from a case with a light fender bender to a wrongful death suit.

If you are involved in a car accident in Las Vegas, one of the first things in determining who’s at fault in the accident will be if anyone was speeding. That’s why it’s crucial to have Las Vegas car accident attorneys on your case.

How Our Car Accident Attorneys Get to the Bottom of What Caused Your Accident

Get help from an attorney if you’re in a car accident in Las Vegas. A local attorney with experience handling car accident cases will be your biggest ally in your personal injury claim. You can bet the other party’s insurance company will have lawyers working hard on their side so should you.

A reputable Las Vegas accident attorney like Henness & Haight will go beyond what the police report says. We can interview witnesses to the accident to find out if there was anything the cops may have missed. We can compile medical records, insurance investigation notes, and police reports together to recreate the most accurate timeline of the incident. We can then work with an accident reconstructionist to piece together exactly what happened in the crash. We also have experience talking to and negotiating with insurance companies.

Don’t go it alone with your motor vehicle accident claim. Get help from a car accident attorney.

The Right Las Vegas Attorney Investigates Every Angle of Your Case

Speed can be a huge factor in the outcome of your case, but so can the lawyer you hire. You want to work with an attorney who has the experience, resources, and connections to get results in Las Vegas. Don’t trust your accident case to just anyone. Get help from a Las Vegas accident attorney with a track record of successful claims.

At Henness & Haight, we’ve been winning Las Vegas car accident cases for our clients for more than a decade. We have the local know-how and connections to keep your claim moving and get you the highest compensation possible. Contact us today for a free evaluation of your case.

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