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Workers Compensation

Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Covered by Workers’ Compensation?

By July 12, 2017October 28th, 2024No Comments

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition that develops in your hand, wrist, and fingers after regularly performing repetitive tasks.

Each year, more than three million workers are diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, making it an all-too-common occupational health condition. If you develop carpal tunnel syndrome through your job or occupation, your treatment may be covered by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance.

However, recovering this compensation can be difficult. If you need assistance with your workers’ compensation claim or legal help appealing a denied claim, do not hesitate to contact our experienced Las Vegas workers’ compensation attorneys for a free, no-obligation consultation.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a nerve condition that forms within the wrist after repeated pressure or compression is placed on the median nerve.

The median nerve is housed in the carpal tunnel and runs from the forearm into the palm of your hand. It is a narrow passageway of ligaments and bones at the bottom of your hand, and controls your fingers’ tendons. The median nerve also controls the feeling in your thumb, index, middle and part of your ring fingers. It also controls the bottom of your thumb.

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve is pressed or squeezed at the wrist. The thickening from the lining of inflamed tendons narrows the carpal tunnel and compresses the median nerve. This emits pain throughout your hand and arm and causes numbness, weakness, or pain in the hand and wrist.

What are the Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome forms gradually and its symptoms can appear in one or both hands. The condition causes your fingers to feel swollen and lose feeling.

Other symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can include:

  • Pain in the wrists and hands
  • Numbness in the hands
  • Weakness and poor grip
  • Tingling throughout the hands, arms, wrists and fingers

During the early stages of carpal tunnel, your fingers may swell and your hands might become numb, often during the morning or beginning of your day. As your symptoms worsen, you might feel tingling during the later parts of the day.

Once this occurs, your grip strength may decrease and it may become difficult to form a fist, grab small objects, or perform certain manual tasks involving your hands.

In advanced stages of carpal tunnel syndrome, the muscles at the base of your thumb may deteriorate and you may be unable to identify hot or cold temperatures by touch.

However, there are several treatment options available to cure or alleviate the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, such as:

  • Physical therapy
  • Splinting
  • Steroid injections
  • Surgery

Can I Develop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Through My Job?

As carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by repetitive wrist motions, many people who are diagnosed with the condition likely develop it through performing work-related tasks.

Contributing factors that may cause carpal tunnel syndrome include those that resulted in trauma or injury to the wrist. This can happen through work stress, the vibration of the hands through using power tools, or awkwardly positioning your wrist while seated behind a desk or computer.

Unfortunately, many occupational activities that can cause employees to develop carpal tunnel syndrome include:

  • Using a computer keyboard
  • Drilling
  • Mining
  • Performing mechanical work

Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

In Nevada, an employee is entitled to workers’ compensation benefits if he or she has been diagnosed with an occupational disease or medical condition, according to the Nevada Occupational Disease Act.

However, you must be able to prove that your carpal tunnel syndrome was directly caused by your occupation to receive workers’ compensation benefits. Our attorneys can help you prove this by:

  • Having an orthopedic specialist examine your hand and diagnose your carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Documenting your carpal tunnel syndrome through imaging, x-rays, medical testing, and other procedures.
  • Connecting your job’s duties as those that place you at a higher risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome, such as unnatural wrist positioning, repetitive twisting of the hand, hyperflexion, grasping and other abnormal wrist movements. We will also note any frequent use of vibratory equipment for extended periods of time.

Although it can be difficult to prove carpal tunnel syndrome is work-related, our attorneys will work to build a case that accurately reflects the suffering you have endured.

Contact Our Las Vegas Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Now

Our team of experienced attorneys has helped many injured employees reach favorable outcomes in their workers’ compensation claims.

We will work to help you recover the benefits you deserve and require no upfront fees for our services. We only require payment if we successfully represent your claim and reach a fair outcome on your behalf.