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Nursing Home Injuries

Falls Leading Cause of Death for Seniors

By September 28, 2016October 28th, 2024No Comments

Every second of every day, an elderly adult over the age of 65 falls. The issue has become so common that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced that falls are now the leading cause of injuries and death among elderly Americans.

In 2014 alone, older Americans fell 29 million times, which led to seven million injuries and an estimated cost of $13 billion. Each year falls lead to more than 27,000 deaths among elderly Americans.

With 10,000 adults turning 65 each day, those numbers are expected to surge unless preventative measures are taken. If an elderly loved one slipped and fell in a public place contact the Las Vegas personal injury lawyers today for a free consultation.

With the recent release of these numbers, the CDC is recommending that fall prevention become a part of seniors’ care routines. Officials are urging healthcare providers to take an active role in identifying individuals who are at a greater risk for falls.

In order to do this, the CDC recommends that healthcare providers:

  • Ask if a patient has recently fallen, feels unsteady or is worried about falling
  • Review patients’ medical records to identify medications and combinations of drugs that could lead to falls
  • Prescribe vitamin D supplements

Elderly adults can also take a number of precautions to help prevent falls, including:

  • Talking with your healthcare provider about fall prevention and the medications you are taking
  • Get your eyesight checked regularly
  • Participate in activities and programs that can improve balance
  • Remove fall hazards like loose rugs

This high rate of falls is especially concerning for nursing home residents who rely on nursing home staff to take care of their basic needs and help prevent falls. A fall in a nursing home is often a warning sign of a negligent facility that is not ensuring the safety of your loved one.

If your loved one has been injured or died because of a fall in a facility, do not hesitate to contact our Las Vegas nursing home abuse lawyers to learn more about your legal options. We can help you get the compensation your loved one deserves.