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Car Accidents

Americans Average More than 17,600 Minutes Behind the Wheel Every Year

By October 3, 2016October 28th, 2024No Comments

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reports that the average American driver is behind the wheel more than 17,600 minutes each year. That is equal to seven 40-hour workweeks.

The foundation’s American Driving Survey provides a comprehensive record of Americans’ driving habits. Of those who are driving age and older, 87.5 percent say they have driven in the last year. The survey found that drivers average around 10,900 miles a year, spending more than 290 hours traveling.

It was also discovered that the total number of miles driven during 2015 rose 2.4 percent from 2014 to 2.45 trillion miles total amongst all drivers. If you or a family member are in a car accident contact the experienced Las Vegas personal injury lawyers today to find out about your legal options.

Other findings include:

  • Men spend more time driving and travel more miles.
  • More than 86 percent of households own one or more cars for each driver in the home; 28 percent say they have more cars than they do drivers.
  • Seniors drive fewer miles than teenagers, 5,840 miles versus 7,551 miles. Those ages 30-49 drive the most, with 13,506 miles per year.
  • Rural motorists drive more than urban and suburban drivers, with 13,029 miles per year compared to 10,571 miles.
  • Drivers in the Southern U.S. and the Midwest drive around 11,295 miles per year, while Northeastern drivers travel only 9,328 miles each year.
  • Cars are driven for more than 50 percent of all miles, SUVs make up 20 percent of total miles, pickup trucks account for 17 percent and vans make up 7.9 percent.
  • Men do most of their driving in pickup trucks, whereas women drive mostly in cars or SUVs.
  • October through December are the months where Americans rack up the most miles, driving 31.5 miles a day. They drive less in the winter, with only 26.2 miles driven from January through March.

With the significant amount of miles driven each year, motorists are likely to be involved in an accident at some point. If a negligent driver causes you harm or kills a loved one, you could be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Contact the Las Vegas car accident lawyers at Henness & Haight for fighting for the amount you deserve.